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Atom HL U11

Regular Season 2019/20
2019/20 x Regular Season

1. DJ Campbell

2. Keiran Laliberty
3. Landon Murphy
4. Gracelynn Melnyk
3/4/1 - Jan. 6/19
4/1/2 - Jan. 7/19
1/2/3 - Jan. 9/19
AVENGERS - 1st Half Champions of the World!
Team - Uptown Funk
Coach - Drew Tritthart
asst. coach - Troy Carnegie
asst. coach - Richard Ferland
Sam Carnegie
Jaidyn Tritthart
Luke Ferland
Vincent Bercier
Marek Madrigga
Harls Young
Kayson Hester
Chad Martin
Tyson Munro
Ava Porter
Dayton Banhegy
Keathan Peskoonas
Team - Wile E. Coyotes
Coach - Chris Richardson
asst. coach - Gary Melko
asst. coach - Dion Bird
Connor Bird
Daniel Richardson
Jakob Melko
Carter Clemons
Kalem Whitehead
Jake Polischuk
Reshawn Personius
Dylan Lathlin
Aiden Washenfelder
Fynn Fox
Lennix Constant-Villenuve
Josie Petryk

Team - The Avengers
Coach - Colin Blue
asst. coach - Shayne Elliott
asst. coach - Rick Rousson
Jacob Blue
Johann Elliott
Cooper Rousson
Maddex Conaty
Evander Richards
Marcus Cochrane
Brody Sayese
Joden Cruz
Gavin Colgan
Rashawn Patchinose
Payton Richards
Griffin Zorn